029: Jenna Free | You Ain't Your Weight

Jenna Free - Body Love Society

Meet Jenna, Owner of You Ain't Your Weight, Body Image Counsellor, and Body Image Coach. Jenna is driven to teach women about intuitive eating, and she has built a community around her of those who are passionate about positive body image and intuitive eating. 

With a long background in modelling, Jenna has experienced what it is like to restrict yourself and to be pushed to look a certain way for the camera. Eventually, Jenna became fed up with this lifestyle and decided she had enough. 

You Ain't Your Weight

In this episode, you will hear about Jenna's path back to healthy living from extreme dieting. You will learn about what it means to be an international model and how she was expected to live her life. You will also learn all about intuitive eating, mindset, and about living a happy life. 

Jenna will inspire you and teach you all about healthy living! 



Michael Montgomery